This is an automated theorem prover for first-order and equational logic, used to support inference in language processing. 这是一个用于一阶和逻辑方程式的自动理论证明器,用于支持语言处理中的推理。
Denotational semantics describes the semantics of a programming language in afunctional way, but the first-order temporal logic expresses the semantics of a prog-ramming language in a logical way. 指称语义学是以函数的形式来表达程序的语义,一阶时态逻辑是以逻辑方式表达程序的语义。
PROLOG, a kind of first-order logic-based language, doesn't permit quantification over predicates in grammer sense, hence the expressive range suitable for this language is decreased. 基于一阶谓词逻辑的PROLOG语言不允许量词作用于谓词,这限制了它的表达和处理范围。
What the theory of descriptions emphasized is the syntax of first-order logical language, and what it criticized is the syntax of ordinary language. 摹状词理论强调的是一阶逻辑语言的句法,日常语言的句法是它批判的对象。
The finite satisfiability and in finite satisfiability of sentences in first-order field theory on the language {+, ·, 0, 1} are considered, and some preliminary conclusions are obtained. 考察了语言{十,·,0,1}上1阶域论命题的有限可满足性及无限可满足性,得到一些初步结论。
In this paper, we gave the definition of truth degree based on the interval interpretation of first-order fuzzy predicate logic ( or first-order fuzzy language) formulas by introducing the new ( concept) of evaluation on variable set, and discuss its a series of properties. 通过引进一阶模糊语言变元集赋值的新概念,给出了一阶模糊谓词逻辑(或一阶模糊语言)公式的区间解释真度的定义,并讨论了它们的一系列性质。
Firstly, a formal model of TPM is built using first-order logic language. 首先,在论文中用一阶逻辑语言建立可信平台模块API的形式化模型,然后对建立的形式化模型进行逻辑推理分析。